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Investigation Protocol


NNE will always begin investigations with an interview and tour of the location with the client. Paranormal claims and areas of high activity will be noted.

Next, we will bring in the equipment and discuss the investigation tools with the client if they would like. We are also okay with having them join us in our investigation if they are interested.

Pre-Investigation Sweep

We will then conduct a baseline EMF and temperature sweep to make note of any natural fluctuations in readings. For example, we would make note of any appliances giving off high EMF readings, or a drafty window which would cause cold temperatures. This way we will know to expect these fluctuations during the actual investigation.

Investigation ("Lights Out")

Once the actual investigation begins, there really aren't any guidelines which we follow. Our one rule of thumb is to use all of our equipment to ensure we are exhausting all possible resources a spirit could use to make contact.

Since every investigation is different, we develop our investigation steps as we go. Some rooms/areas may give us EMF readings, in which case we would likely be heavily using the K-II and REM POD. In rooms/areas which give us cold spots, we would mostly be using the temperature gun and thermal imaging camera. Again, all equipment will be used, but the method the potential spirit uses to makes contact can vary.

Post Investigation

After each investigation we will bring back our equipment for analysis. We will spend the next few days reviewing our files (video, IR pictures, audio recordings, thermal pictures, etc).

Once all files have been analyzed, we will contact the client via email or phone (whichever is preferred) and inform them we are ready to review any evidence we captured. We will then schedule either an in-person reveal or video conference reveal (if they don't live close by).

Be sure to check out our Upcoming and Past Investigations from the Investigations drop down menu at the top!

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