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Condominium - Orono, Maine (1.28.22)

Writer's picture: Chris - NNEChris - NNE

On January 28th, 2022, Karla and I decided to say goodbye to our home of 8 years by doing a personal paranormal investigation. Through the years living here, we never experienced much paranormal activity to make us believe the location was haunted, but we figured an investigation would be an interesting and fun way to close out that chapter of our lives.

Unfortunately Josh was feeling under the weather and was unable to join us for this investigation. We wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.

Paranormal Claims

Having lived at this location for the past 8 years, both Karla and I never experienced anything outright paranormal. The only events we would consider hinting at the paranormal would be that our dog (Siberian Husky, Elektra - aka Chunk) would focus on some areas of the ceiling for no visible or auditory reason.

Of course, as with most people who own a companion, it can be unnerving when your pet appears to be staring inquisitively at nothing... especially when it is up in the corner of the ceiling. This happened maybe 3 times total in the time we lived here, so it was not a common occurrence by any means.

Although this was odd, it is important not to count this as reliable evidence or a serious claim of paranormal activity. However, we think it would be fun to have Elektra join us on some investigations in the future!


NNE Investigation

We were skeptical going in to this investigation that we would experience anything paranormal. We personally lived comfortably here for quite some time with no cause for alarm, and none of our visitors over the years reported anything abnormal.

However, we were excited to do our first investigation of the new year (happy new year by the way!) and we actually ended up having some interesting occurrences throughout the night that are important to note.

Pre-Investigation Sweep

Seeing as we lived here for a long period of time, we didn't feel it necessary to do a pre-investigation sweep. We knew the location of all remaining appliances which would give off high EMF readings, and we know which windows and doors are drafty (primarily the front door).

The only note I made before the investigation was the effect a lack of furniture would have on temperature retention. Having furniture in a room can 1) decrease the frequency the heater has to turn on, and 2) decrease drastic temperature drops when the heater turns off. Since all of our furniture was moved out, I knew the temperature would fluctuate more rapidly since furniture can hold on to heat.

Lights Out

First Floor:

We began our investigation in the kitchen. I first took a baseline reading of the room by walking around with the Mel Meter, which produced no temperature or EMF abnormalities (constant ~60 degrees and 0.0mG). The EVP recorder was my next tool, which I used along side the Mel Meter to ask a multitude of questions.

After about a 3-4 minute EVP session, we decided to do a "live" review of the recording to see if any voices were captured. During this review, it did sound like we captured some kind of unintelligible sound as a response to the question: "Do you know who I am, since I've been here so long? Do you know who Karla is?" A video clip of this live review is provided below:

This sound took both Karla and I by surprise at first. However, I was suspicious that I could have swallowed at that time, or made some unintentional mouth noise... Indeed this was the case. After reviewing the footage, I was able to clearly see myself swallow directly after the question, which produced the smacking sound. I was actually quite impressed that my recorder could pick up such a faint sound. No other EVPs were captured during the kitchen session, so Karla and I moved on to the living room.

While in the living room, I set up the REM POD, K-II, and EMF Meter in various locations. The REM POD was situated in the middle of the room, the K-II was on a small painter's ladder in the back left corner, and the EMF Meter was propped against the wall in the right corner.

Although nothing out of the ordinary happened with any of the devices while we were in the living room (i.e. no changes from baseline), we decided to leave the REM POD and EMF Meter in their locations while we proceeded to investigate the second floor. My reasoning behind this was both devices emit a loud sound if triggered, so we would be able to hear any activity from the second floor.

Shortly after reaching the top of the stairs, the EMF meter in the living room began to beep. Of course we immediately race back down the stairs to see what could be causing this fluctuation.

After some analysis of the situation, I came to the conclusion that the constant EMF reading was nothing paranormal. I have a clip provided below of the findings:

Previous to turning off the EMF Meter, the reading maintained a constant 3mG at that location for about 2 minutes straight. My Mel Meter also confirmed this readout. The heating element, while on, was reading ~40mG on the Mel Meter. Which makes sense seeing as the heater is powered by electricity.

The REM POD, located in the middle of the room for the duration of this event, experienced no EMF fluctuations past baseline. This is due to the heater and related electrical components being located along the exterior of the room, leaving the middle unaffected by any EMF disturbances. However, the temperature sensor on the REM POD did read a temperature increase, which makes sense seeing as the heater was on.

Second Floor, Third Floor, and Basement:

After debunking the exciting EMF fiasco, we proceeded back up to the second floor to continue where we left off. After investigating the second floor, we continued to the third floor and then the basement.

After conducting EVP sessions in each room along with thermal and EMF sweeps, we did not detect anything out of the ordinary for the remainder of the investigation.



Overall we experienced nothing paranormal. However, that doesn't mean the investigation was pointless. In fact, I would argue quite the contrary.

For any aspiring paranormal investigators, the following points are important to note:

  1. Most investigations are uneventful. Contrary to what you may see on TV, real investigations involve a great deal of patience and criticism, which leads me to my next point...

  2. Be skeptical if you want to be professional. Never jump to the conclusion that something is paranormal.

This investigation turned out to be a great example of why to be critical of potential findings. For the suspected EVP in the kitchen, it shows the importance of going back in the footage to see if anything natural occurred to cause the sound (i.e. me swallowing). Remember, if you're relying on sound only, you're missing your sense of vision which may provide a natural explanation to what you're hearing. Also, one of my key tools during EVP sessions is to say out loud if I hear something that may be mistaken as paranormal on playback (ex: a car passing by, a team member coughing, etc).

Regarding the EMF readings in the living room, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. What could be located behind the walls where you are investigating? What could be under the floor? Awareness of your physical location is one of the most important aspects of performing a professional paranormal investigation.

Next, have a firm understanding of ALL of your equipment. If a device starts alerting you to a change, know exactly what it is measuring. A high EMF reading often doesn't mean something is paranormal, it is likely just an object in your environment that is emitting an electromagnetic field (ex: electric heaters, appliances, computers, etc).

I am going to skip over the usual Paranormal Claim Analysis seeing as both Karla and I never really had any paranormal claims while living at this location. However, I am happy we were able to perform this fun little investigation before we moved out.



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