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Contemporary Home - Scarborough, Maine (8.7.21)

Writer's picture: Chris - NNEChris - NNE

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

On August 7th, 2021, the NNE team went to visit a family who started experiencing paranormal events after their full home renovations finished in May, 2021. The home was originally built in 1995. We were excited to use our new ghost hunting equipment and jump back into investigations after the long pause with COVID.

Paranormal Claims

The family moved into the home in 2016 with no paranormal events taking place until recent full home renovations were completed in May 2021. NNE visited the location and found that it was mainly visitors experiencing the paranormal events. The residence actually noticed little to no activity. This was definitely odd to us, but they described the following paranormal claims which had taken place over the past months.

The first events were figures seen out of the periphery while feeling someone/something is watching them. These occurrences often took place in the second bedroom on the top floor, where the family tells us they rarely enter unless company is spending the night.

The second claim is objects moving when the family and visitors are away. The main objects in question are two swivel arm chairs in the kitchen, and a report that a roll of toilet paper had fallen off the holder when the bathroom was unoccupied. Granted the family does have 3 small dogs (which were adorable by the way, we love dogs at NNE), so that may play into this claim. Especially seeing as all of the objects in question are close to the ground.


NNE Investigation

We were skeptical going into the investigation that we would experience many of these claims as 1) the actual home owners did not experience any paranormal events, and 2) the objects moving are likely explained by the dogs, which we witnessed had already enjoyed jumping on the two chairs and making them move.

However, we were more than happy to help and use our new equipment to see if the home has any activity.

Pre-Investigation Sweep

We did not experience any notable areas of high ambient EMF using the K-II or Mel Meter. All areas, other than the electrical box in the basement, remained at 0.0mG. This also included areas close to appliances as they were well insulated.

Ambient temperature, measured using the Mel Meter, was also normal in each room. However, we did make a note that the master bedroom recently had the air conditioning turned off, so the temperature was ~10F degrees cooler compared to the rest of the top floor.

Lights Out

Top Floor:

After exiting nerve center (bye Karla!), we ventured first to the master bedroom. We walked about the room doing a sweep with the Mel Meter and "Ghost Meter" EMF detector. We did not experience any abnormal temperature changes or EMF spikes past baseline.

We ended up sitting in two chairs behind the bed to set up the REM POD and conduct our first EVP session. While doing this, we noticed that using the walkie talkies (which we didn't have for our previous investigation) would temporarily spike our EMF detectors (K-II, REM POD, and Mel Meter). This was important to note as we don't want to mistake it for something paranormal. We didn't end up experiencing any ghostly events in the master bedroom.

Once we entered the second bedroom, where claims of figures in the periphery were noted, we began experiencing quick K-II spikes which managed to illuminate 4/5 lights multiple times over ~6 seconds before returning to baseline. The clip is provided below.

As shown, the K-II did not move from this position for the duration of the video, and we did not use the walkie talkies during this event. There were also no objects nearby that would emit an EMF as the device is on Josh's knee. After the spikes stop, you can hear Josh faintly say "can you do that again?" at which point there are two more spikes with 3/5 lights. No other activity occurred on the top floor that was out of the ordinary.

First Floor:

The first floor is where the two swivel chairs and the toilet paper roll are said to move on their own. The position of these objects were noted before the start of the investigation and they remained in the same position for the remainder of the night. No activity was found on this floor.


The basement at this home consisted of two areas: a finished "in-law" suite area, and a long unfinished hallway for storage. We received some activity in the finished room starting off with more K-II spikes hitting multiple 3/5 lights on command. The clip is provided here.

The K-II spikes start as Josh begins asking the potential spirit about illuminating the lights. The spikes continue for ~12 seconds before returning to baseline. Also of note is an "orb" that passes in front of my head when I ask Josh to angle the K-II down. Although orbs are entertaining to notice, they are 99% dust or a bug reflecting the IR back at the camera. This is definitely one of those instances where the orb is likely dust.

Finally, Josh and I split up so he could investigate more on the first floor while I stayed in the basement alone. I set up a monitor station near my chair consisting of the K-II, REM POD, Mel Meter, and a twist flashlight. Keep a close eye on the flashlight in the clip below, it is positioned closest to the bottom of the video.

The flashlight is a new and easy piece of equipment I thought would be interesting to use for this investigation. The theory is a spirit can twist the end of the flashlight slightly in order to turn it on and off. As you see in the clip, the flashlight seems to be changing in intensity for a moment before turning completely off. Once I ask "can you turn it back on?" there is a quick bright flash which seems like a response.

Another clip below shows the brightest flash from the flashlight we had all night. This was captured while I was still alone in the basement and was about to take a series of manual still pictures using the IR trail camera.

I find it comical that the flash was so bright I actually thought it was the IR trail camera's screen flashing at me. I didn't see until reviewing the footage that it was the flashlight. Also, did you notice it? Yep, there is another orb shortly after the flashlight blink. As with the previous orb though, this is also a piece of dust.

We did not capture any activity in the unfinished part of the basement.



This investigation was interesting primarily because the paranormal claims revolved around visitors experiencing the events and not the home owners. Other than the K-II spikes found in the second bedroom and the basement, there were no events that could be considered paranormal as I am skeptical that the flashlight is reliable.

After reviewing the full investigation footage, I realized how unreliable the flashlight was in the method we were using it. Most of the time the light was randomly turning on and off while it was on the ground, which lead me to think it may have just been so close to turning on that it was naturally making sporadic connections. Indeed this was actually the case. After testing the flashlight I found that placing it horizontally increased the connection chance, making it flash and turn off frequently and randomly... so although the flashlight footage is interesting, it can not be deemed as paranormal. I plan to continue using the flashlight in the future, but I will be careful to prepare it in a way to avoid these sporadic connections.

None of our other equipment picked up anything paranormal. We captured no EVPs, Spirit Box responses, odd frequencies on the amplifier, odd IR pictures (over 800 taken), temperature abnormalities, or odd thermal pictures.

Overall we do not believe this location to be haunted.

Paranormal Claim Analysis:

  • Peripheral figures & feelings of being watched: We did not experience any figures personally or on our equipment, we also did not feel like we were being watched.

  • Objects moving: We did not capture or see any objects moving.

As we say, this doesn't mean we don't believe the claims. We think the claims could be caused by 1) visitors being in a new environment which can sometimes lead to errors in perception (ex: thinking they see figures in their periphery), and 2) we firmly believe the dogs are likely the culprits of the moving objects.



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