On November 9th, 2019, the NNE team went to visit a good friend who lives in an over 100 year old New-England style home in Bangor, Maine. He described various "out of the ordinary" experiences which he was unable to explain. To our surprise, our investigation also yielded some unexplainable events.

Paranormal Claims
Only ~6 months after moving to his home, our friend began to experiencing unexplained events and feelings of being watched. It is also important to note that he lived by himself with his cat at the time, so there was no other human interference. During a night out to eat (as this was before COVID :sad:), he discussed these events with both Karla and I.
He described the first event as what sounded like an old man whistling in his living room. He was familiar with the natural sounds of his home after 6 months living there (wind, heater, plumbing, etc), and he said this whistling sound came from inside the house and even had a distinct tune to it.
In addition to the whistling, he also returned home to find objects from the top shelf of his living room knocked on the floor. He does have a cat, but he has never seen his cat jump up on high objects in the past. It could be paranormal, or it could be his cat having some fun while he's out of the house.
Finally, he had the common feeling with hauntings that you're always being watched or feeling uncomfortable. Something that I'm sure anyone would feel after hearing ghostly whispering and objects being moved in your new home.
NNE Investigation
The amount of activity we experienced during the investigation was much higher than we anticipated. Most cases are uneventful and activity can often be debunked as natural events, however this case definitely had some odd activity that we were unable to explain.
Pre-Investigation Sweep
Of course, as with all investigations, we take an EMF sweep of the location using the K-II meter. There were no fluctuations on the K-II for the sweep as the reading constantly stayed with only the first light illuminated.
Ambient temperature was normal in each room, so there was no need to note any natural temperature differences.
Lights Out
Top Floor:
The beginning of the investigation began in the master bedroom and activity seemed to start instantly. While asking for spiritual contact, the K-II meter started to fluctuate up to 3-4 lights. As seen in the video clip, there seemed to be some serious activity. Josh definitely seems surprised at the activity (we all got a good laugh on the footage review).
However, upon further review, it is likely that these EMF spikes were caused by my phone which was strapped to my left arm. When livestreaming NNE investigations (if approved by the location owner) I use my phone to read my livestream chat. I did not have the phone when we did the pre-investigation sweep (woops), so this could explain why we were getting spikes all the sudden. However, the end of the clip does have an interesting spike when I move the K-II away from my body/phone, this spike is still unexplained. There were more rooms we investigated on the top floor, but there was no activity that was out of the ordinary.
First Floor:
Once we moved down to the kitchen area, the EMF spikes resumed. One of these spikes actually managed to hit all 5 lights. The camera did not have a good angle on the K-II at the time, so unfortunately we do not have footage of this event that is worthy of posting.
As a note, the kitchen island (where the K-II was placed) does not have any appliances that would emit an EMF. My phone may still have been causing some EMF interference at the time, so we are unable to say if this event was paranormal.
The basement is when activity really started to ramp up and get unexplainable. Thankfully I became aware that my phone may be causing EM interference with the K-II, so I made sure to keep my phone far away to prevent contamination from this point on.
Activity jumped quickly when I started getting 2 lights on the K-II after entered the first basement room. Shortly after asking for 3 lights, I received multiple 3 light spikes on command which may have been a spiritual response. Again, my phone is not causing interference here, and we had no EMF readings above 1 light during our sweep, so these hits were definitely out of the ordinary. The clip below shows this evidence.
I did not receive a 4 light response when coaxed, but hitting 3 lights on command is pretty exciting in my experience. The K-II continued hitting 3 lights for the next 45 seconds or so before returning completely to baseline (1 light). There were also no appliances which would emit an EMF near my K-II at the time.
In the second basement room I started receiving more activity on the K-II at the same time Josh felt a touch on his left arm (clip below). There is also what appears to be an orb near my head when I say "firepit", but this is actually just the reflection of the IR camera on my phone... nothing paranormal, but it looks spooky!
Another important note is the flash you see when I say "the K-II is going crazy" is from my motion activated trail camera. I had it programmed to take IR pictures every 10 seconds if there is movement in the room.
Finally, the craziest most unexplained piece of evidence of the night is when the REM POD started detecting EMF changes. This blew both our minds as we have never had the REM POD go off before. Here is the clip for you to check out.
Not only was the REM POD going off, but it seemed to be giving us intellectual responses by illuminating the amount of lights we request (3 and then 4). You can see and hear the sheer excitement from Josh and I when this was going on. Again, we used the REM POD in every room we investigated that night (~4-5 hour duration total) and it didn't budge from baseline. Can we say its a spirit trying to make contact? No. However, it is the most compelling piece of evidence I have captured thus far.
Overall the investigation was definitely eventful at times. We mainly captured K-II spikes, and most were likely be caused by my phone interference, but some were definitely worthy of a head tilt. The REM POD in the basement still excites me as that was the only time I've seen it go off without testing it (i.e. putting my hand near the antenna).
Although not mentioned, none of our other equipment picked up anything abnormal. We captured no EVPs, odd IR pictures (over 300 taken), temperature abnormalities, or odd thermal pictures. Unfortunately we did not have the spirit box with us for this investigation, so we hope to re-visit the location to use this device and hopefully answer some remaining questions.
Paranormal Claim Analysis:
Feelings of being watched: We did not experience feelings of being watched.
Whistling: We did not hear any whistling or catch whistling sounds on EVP.
Objects moving: We did not capture or see any objects moving.
Of course this doesn't mean we don't believe the claims of the home owner. We believe it could be due to 1) the claimed events just didn't happen while we were there, or 2) there are natural explanations for the claims (ex: their cat moving objects, an air pocket in the piping causing whistling sounds, etc).
Hello, am I first?